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Version 1.3.2: Fixed a bug reported by Sudden_Brightness on Scratch where the blur effect only appeared during backflips, and never during frontflips.

Version 1.3.1: Smoothened motion blur and fixed a bug where volume control would not work for the bounce sound effect. This is feeling a lot better

Version 1.3.0: Not sure why I didn't just call this one 1.2.2, because it's such a tiny update, but... Added motion blur and slight animation to the trampoline, with an extra sound effect. This will be smoothened out more in 1.3.1, trust me 😭🙏

Version 1.2.1: MORE player styles added, filling out the second row, and minor tweaks to menu graphics have been made, also removing the *useless* load button and swapping the music to something a *liiiiittle* less annoying.

Version 1.2.0: 3 player styles added with a new physics engine which gradually gets more difficult, along with a minor tweak to how score is displayed.

Version 1.1.0b: Fullscreen support added and compiled project to JavaScript to run with interpolation and hopefully solve any performance issues on low-end devices.

Version 1.1.0: Flip is now available to play directly from the Moonbolt website!

Game code is under Creative Commons License